How to Repair Rust on Your Car Without Welding
Hey guys chrisfix here and today i'm gonna show you how to remove and repair rust damage on your vehicle, now unfortunately It's common to get rust around the lower portions of the car as well as around the wheel wells what happens is while you drive The car, a rock kicks up and chips the paint exposing raw metal over time that raw metal rusts And then you get this disaster right here so in order to avoid large rust damage like this or rust damage like that It's important that when you find a small piece of rust or a little paint bubble like that that you fix it right away So it doesn't spread into something much worse and here is what I mean This is my 1995 ford windstar, which my family has owned since brand new it has over three hundred thousand miles And you could tell because it has a couple of rust spots like this right here, which is repairable and this down here Which is not this type of rust damage is the perfect example of why you don't want rust to spread...